Thursday, July 28, 2005

Dehumanization and the Oppressed

Dehumanization is a term that is used to denote a psychological process where one’s opponent is viewed as less than human and not deserving of moral and legal consideration. This activity results in strained relationships between the two parties with hatred and alienation towards conflict.

Psychology describes the formation of this enemy image. This is the use of the stereotype. The need for group identity is often an unmet need in the formation of these images. There is an exclusive disjunctive contrast in the formation of enemy images. Concrete actions of opponents are thought to reflect fundamentally evil traits or motives. Communication between the two parties becomes problematic or non-existent lacking in commonality. Circuitous thinking and irrational loops of thought are used to handicap thinking that supports obtaining victory at all costs to punish or destroy the enemy (Pruitt & Rubin 1994).

One of the consequences of the axiology of dehumanization is that the oppressed must learn not to become the oppressors. In the connection the tactics used by oppressors to create the lesser of two evils to justify a replication of their psychopathy will not be directly addressed here. Paulo Freire has philosophically pursued the axiological and historical context of dehumanization (Freire 1993):

Because it is a distortion of being more fully human, sooner or later being less human leads the oppressed to struggle against those who made them so. In order for this struggle to have meaning, the oppressed must not, in seeking to regain their humanity (which is a way to create it), become in turn oppressors of the oppressors, but rather restorers of the humanity of both.

Freire discusses a great humanistic task of the oppressed to liberate themselves and their oppressors. The oppressors “cannot find the power the strength to liberate the oppressed or themselves”. The false charity of the oppressors is only used to continue the oppression. The unjust social order that arises manifests itself as the dispensers of false generosity “become desperate at the slightest threat to its source”. Freire also give an assessment that “They will not gain this liberation by chance but through the praxis of their quest for it, through their recognition of the necessity to fight for it.” (Freire 1993).

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Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Stalin and Censorship as a Model

Joseph Stalin is an important figure in using the state as instrument to censor and control mass perceptions. The conditions in the Unites States demonstrate an imitation and mimicry of certain historical tactics that have worked in the short term to hide and distort actual historical events that did occur to institutionalize mechanisms of abuse. This is done by developing traits that are inherent in the human species and other cultural behaviors and indentities that are learned through a continuum of experience.

Wikepedi, which is an open source internet encyclopedia begins the discussion on censorship as such:

Censorship is the use of governmental power to control speech and other forms of human expression. It is most commonly applied to acts which occur in public circumstances, and generally involves a suppression of them by criminalizing their expression. What is censored may range from specific words to entire concepts, and the ostensible motive of censorship is to stabilize or improve the society over which the government has control.

Sanitization (removal) and whitewashing (from whitewash) are almost interchangeable terms that refer to particular a form of censorship via omission, which seeks to "clean up" the portrayal of particular issues and facts which are already known, but which may conflict with the official point of view. Political correctness may also become a form of censorship.

The beginings of Stalinism in the 1920s demonstrates the inefficiency of state employees that helps lead to conditions of censorship.

In the United States censorship begins with a culture that is dependent on tacit deals with corrupt officials which at times include non-cash rewards as jobs that are harder to trace. The aperture for a movement to correct this deficiency beigns by exposing persons and culture groups that have taken "deals" for drug dealing, prostitution, and gambling. These groups can easily be purged by the System with no noticeable loss in degree to either side. What is unique is the camoulflage and the folly is the willingness to dehumanize and participate in a minor purge. What is evident is that who was in power stays in power although with minor sustainable damage. The scapegaots are the scapegaots with a few prizes who are individual deafeated but institutionalization and systematizing the mechanism is strengthened.

The police here LAPD are a minor group that represents Gay facism. They are tyranny of a minority under a tyranny of a majority, the Democrats and Republicans and other static members of society. This position is centered on species failure and not any other political ideology. The Delaware State Police are set up to be the heores but are in actuality implicated. Intermediary are the Baltimore Studio which uses a Synclavier sampling piano to mutilate evidence. The Baltimore Police are remain in the background.

The best class as a group are those persons under 14 years of age. College age persons are openly recruited and are every bit as bad as any civil rights disorder of the 1960s of which students state they helped support. This a case of reversed polarites and being dependent puppet actors of this mechansim which is defection under prisonner's dilemma.

Sheila Fitzpatrick writes in Everyday Stalinism Ordinary Life in Extraordinary Times: Soviet Russia in the 1930s:

Their lives were tossed around by Communist policies; their tempers were tried on a daily basis by incompetent and arbitrary officials, clerks, and salespeople, all working for the state. This was the omnipresent context of Soviet everyday life; there was no way to live without it. Thus, our story begins with an overview of the Stalinist regime and its institutions and practices, particularly the Communist Party's style of rule and mentalité.

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Monday, July 18, 2005

Censorship and the Media

In the last few years there has been much fascination in the mainstream United States media with blogs. The mainstream media as TimeWarner, Associated Press, United Press International, and as well as cable providers as CNN have to realize that they are in a pay for coverage market environment. There are many issues of high importance that these measures of communication as well as radio will not cover for political and market considerations.

The academic territorality provides some alternative and compatible aperture for coverage of newsworthy and historic events but it too is static, ritualistic, and wishes to promote its own interests as the truth for all.

The filters of Big Money and Politics account for a percenatge and dimension for the cultural alienation that the World Wide Web and Internet provide for many persons with little or no input.

One of the most important structure in this mix are the agents of Social Control the miltary and police in dictating overtly or tacitly what is said.

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