Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Open Letter to Geir Lundestad



Criticism of the Nobel Committee in Choosing Barack Obama for the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize


Bhakta David Nollmeyer

The following critique discusses the criteria used by the Norwegian Nobel Committee in selecting President Barack Obama for it's 2009 Nobel Peace Prize. The material is from an interview of Geir Lundestad, Secretary of the Norwegian Nobel Committee taken by Simon Frantz.

In contrast I have been, in my opinion the world's most severe unrecognized human rights prisoner. I have lived under manifest Chemical Assault – Scorched Earth since the 200th Anniversary of the United States, June17, 1987 in Dover, Delaware. It is from this perspective that I am challenging the Nobel Peace Organization as to their legitamcy and if they are indeed following the will of Alfred Nobel as is assertiveley claimed here by Geir Lundestad.

Concrete Events in 2008

Barack Obama took office on January 20, 2008. At this time I was living in Desert Shores, CA along the Salton Sea. The lake itself was contaminated as were the stores where I had to purchase food. The food products themselves had to be chemically despoiled from the factories. It was and is impossible for me to purchase bottled water. Law enforcement officials did and will pour chemicals in the plumbing of buildings if I was or am physically in the area. The tap water is therefore poisoned. Air in these structures and homes would also be contaminated through the ventilation. Cars and other sources of combustion engines also had chemicals placed in their fuels to contaminate the air.

I am based out of Big Pine, California. I spend only a few months there as I now transition from the Eastern High Sierras to the Salton Sea – Colorado River, summer to winter, where I am now writing at the present.

In May I moved to Westwood, California which is bout 100 miles north of Reno, Nevada. Several bodies of water, particularly Lake Almanor were contaminated quite severely.

I returned to Big Pine for the month of October. The Owens River Canal was severely contaminated. There are wheat fields that were irrigated and will exist as evidence for quite some time. I was here when the announcement of Obama's selection for the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize was made. I travelled to Blythe, California near the beginning of November.

The Colorado River is ruined.

There are cotton and wheat fields here that are ruined and will also function as evidence.

Geir Lundestad is committing serious fraud and sanitization. The interests of Norway and the Nobel Organization are suspect. Mr. Lundestad has been considered a very serious historian and expert on American and Western European relations.

These interests becomes more of a focal as his so-called research into President Obama's achievements in the preceding year become historically and legally challenged.


The interview essentially begins with Simon Frantz making summary observations over Barack Obama's selection.

The initial atmosphere surrounding the the announcement of Barack Obama as the winner of the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize was one of “collective shock and and take a breath,” according to Simon Frantz.

The choice of Barack Obama by the Nobel Committee for it's 2009 Peace Prize was met with a range of responses from parties throughout the world. Geir Lundestad responds that there is much approval and that 'this is a wonderful situation to be in.” There have been reactions from all over the world. In making President Obama it's choice, Nobel Secretary Lundestad stated that the selection was made deliberately based on Alfred Nobel's will for accomplishments in the preceding year. There are three criteria which were used:

  • Fraternity between nations

  • Reduction in standing armies – vision of nuclear free world – expecting substantial arms control treaties

  • The holding of peace congresses – modern version is international diplomacy

President Barack Obama has produced a new international climate. This is based on the United Nations not electoral structures stated Lundestad.

The emphasis is on dialog and negotiations. The emphasis is on arms control and disarmament and the zero option. The emphasis is on a new climate agreement with the United States being a very important partner. The emphasis is on democracy and human rights.

Lundestad argues that creating a new climate and defining a new order is a concrete achievement. These are the ideals of the Norwegian Nobel Committee that have been followed for 108 years.

This Nobel Committee in selecting Obama has a “wonderful spokesman for these ideals” and is attempting to give the president support for the ideals of which he is the primary spokesperson, stated Lundestad. Under these circumstances the committee wishes to give Obama whatever support it can.

Simon Franz states that Barack Obama has been in office for less than nine months.

Lundestad asserts that awarding the prize so early is not unprecedented. Nobel's will states that achievements should be in the preceding year. Usually this is not possible but this year with Obama it is possible. Oscar Arias received the prize within for presenting a peace plan within two months.

Simon Frantz argues that Obama is already under high expectations and that this could add to the expectations for one who is under these pressures.

The Nobel Committee will support Obama in the future. The committee is willing to give any support to create concrete ideals. There is no doubt that “there will be failures,” states Lundestad. Once the committee makes it's selection it will continue to support it's laureates in the future.

President Obama does not have to worry that in the future he will awake and that the Nobel Organization will not support him.

Mr. Frantz argues that the United States is at war with two countries.

The Nobel Committee recognizes that the United States is a superpower. It is not trying to dictate concrete acts to the United States. It is attempting to point out the principals for which it stands, Lundestad added.

Obama follows the ideals of the Norwegian Nobel committee very closely. This can be construed as an overt message in selecting Obama for the prize. The prize is not a magic wand. It will not transform the world.


Simon Frantz's observation that President Barack Obama winning the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize was one of “collective shock and take a breath” is an understatement. For whatever manifest short term benefits the Norwegian Nobel Organization has in selecting Obama for representing the ideals of Alfred Nobel's will the risk in sacrificing justice in equal treatment to other natural persons and states is very disturbing. There is also the negative future externality to the Nobel Peace Prize itself.

The use of non-military grade chemical weapons is and has been quite severe. The past five United States Presidents:

        1. Ronald Reagan

        2. George H.W. Bush

        3. William Clinton

        4. George W. Bush

        5. Barack Obama

have been blackmailed and extorted by the use of non-military grade chemical assault. The panorama of essentialist thinking by Ronald Reagan and Ayatollah Khomeini has developed a polarization in diplomacy to the present. Jimmy Carter pursued a mechanistic approach using an idealistic and pragmatic diplomacy. Regardless the emergence of free trade even though the GATT Rounds failed lead to economics based on flexible currency, balance of trade, and counter-cycle federal reserve banking as overt weapons of choice in creating and maintaining the Old World Order.

My rights to citizenship and legal person under the UDHR, ICCPR, and CAT are not recognized by the Norwegian Nobel Committee or President Obama and the United States.

The Convention Against Torture was ratified by President Clinton in 1994.

Geir Lundestad argues that Barack Obama has created fraternity between nations. The Colorado River has headwaters in the State of Arizona it is a main source of agriculture and drinking water for Los Angeles, San Diego, and Mexico. I have to BATHE AND WASH MY CLOTHES IN POISON.

Geir Lundestad has cited arms reduction and zero options. This in particular is nuclear arms. If he had done the research he had claimed he would have found a world of chemical assault – chemical stalking carried by what is now called homeland security officers viz. Policemen.

The awarding of the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize to Barack Obama as a wonderful spokesman for these ideals sets an alarming precedent for a spokesman for Change. Are we ready for Change? Why should we continue doing the same thing again and again.

The circular folly is perhaps one the oldest informal fallacies and certainly the most used in power plays. Here I do not see the concrete transformations in progress in spite of Barack Obama superficially appearing able and willing to implement actions on the side of democracy, peace, and human rights. I am 48 years of age, exactly one day older than Obama being born August 3, 1961 in Roswell, New Mexico.

My life is held in the balance as I endure systematic human rights violations. The United States is an Informant State. I would trust a reading of the United States Constitution to restore my primary rights and identify culpable actors.

I do not believe that Geir Lundestad or the Nobel Organization are partners in good faith in recognizing the suffering of millions of persons and the despoiling of territory vastly larger that the country of Norway here in the United States.

I finish writing this critique recognizing that the theater of defection and interests in concrete political realities is quite pronounced. The denial of writ of certiorari cv 98-7015 was yesterday January 18, 1999. This date, as happened yesterday is Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Soon in the future in spite of the claims of Geir Lundestad, an accurate discovery into the record of President Barack Obama will be made. The politics of sanitization and censorship for which he has emerged as a symbol is no more than Poison in the Well.

David Nollmeyer

Blythe CA – Ehrenberg AZ

January 19, 2010