The Fallacy of a Super Crime
The Salton Sea – Circa Winter Solstice 2010
The creation of a Perfect Crime or a crime that is committed and not detected or a crime that is committed and not prosecuted is an intriguing notion. Here on it’s face a naïve reality appears to posit some manner or criminal ingenuity that avoids the detection of the authorities. This does not at all appear likely under concrete world conditions of the 21st century. The most likely scenario is defection under prisoner’s dilemma. This would entail that a very powerful interest would be sponsoring and or condoning such activity.
What is needed is a crime multiplier to implicate the majority of persons in supporting the crime and or the individuals involved in the criminal activity itself. Here the use of defection and quid pro quos are the modus operandi. Intimidation, extortion, and blackmail are also other instruments of racketeering.
Obstructing justice at the courts is integral. If there is no judge willing to sign an order the law is left up to vigilance of the citizenry if there is any to begin with. Here in this manner cells of de facto code enforcement officials are able to co-op the judiciary and do the bidding of a state planner or other more traditional crime organizations.
The use of ad vericundium, or an appeal to a famous person, a president, pope, rabbi, guru, or imam is a likelihood. A red herring as appealing to a foreign invasion is the traditional choice of military usurpation. Entangling a majority of both important and average families always is a support. The more people under defection in the government and homeland security forces the more likely there will be a success.
Controlling the media through a Yellow Brick Road of career paths and access is essential to censor and sanitization. This is also true for the sworn professions. These are the doctors, lawyers, psychiatrists, and PhDs of academia. If these persons are hand picked and reinforced with careers a very large Super Crime has the cultural support to be successful.
These processes and structures were and are in place regarding a Chemical Assault - Scorched Earth attack on the United States that began on this country’s 200th Anniversary on June 17, 1987. This movement was code named Mobilization of Empire and Civilization or MOEC for short. It demonstrates the defection capabilities of the collapse of the British Empire. It appears that Cambridge Law School lawyers are behind the defection.
Their strategic interest in this act is Gay Marriage and LGBTi platform. It also appears they wish to expose the mechanism without the original Origin being prosecuted. This planning has been handed off to Los Angeles Police Department - LAPD who contains cells of a Gay Militia. This is a planned decadence that creates Gay Irrationalism - Gay Know Nothing. What is unique is that in the last century almost every irrational fascist government has been replaced by socialism.
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